Ukraine said Friday it endured an influx of Russian rockets including hypersonic Kinzhals, which were brought down over the Kyiv locale where African pioneers were because of hold talks as a component of a harmony mission. "Russian rockets are a message to Africa: Russia needs more conflict, not harmony," Ukrainian Unfamiliar Clergyman Dmytro Kuleba said. Missiles The Ukrainian Flying corps said it obliterated six Kinzhals, six Kalibr voyage rockets and two observation drones. All were blocked over the Kyiv locale, the head of the Kyiv military organization Sergiy Popko said. The capital's city chairman Vitali Klitschko said there was no harm in Kyiv and revealed a blast from air guard in the focal Podil locale. Russian President Vladimir "Putin 'fabricates certainty' by sending off the biggest rocket assault on Kyiv in weeks, precisely in the midst of the visit of African pioneers to our capital," Kuleba said. The South African administration said ...